Thursday, March 01, 2007


I hadn't realized Ning was Marc Andreesen's. WIRED has a story about it.

I tried it out some time ago, and I thought it decent, but template editing was not for the faint of heart. Rather than using some form of metadata or abstraction, I think it was all straight PHP.

It's a neat idea, but I'm afraid that like with Aspect-Oriented Programming it's great at solving a very narrow class of problems. And, how many different LibraryThing lookalikes can we use? To create a truly 10X better flickr, or LibraryThing, or MySpace, I think one will need to do more than tweak some PHP. But, it could be that every local book club wants their own site, for example. But, I think as we move more and more toward enabling global interactions, that type of customization becomes less interesting.


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